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Social Media for Writers – Harnessing the Power of Today’s Social Networks for Indie Authors

social media for writers

Most people know that social media plays a major role in modern life. It influences the way we stay in touch with one another, the way to establish and maintain relationships, the way we perceive the world, and even the way we do business. It only makes sense, then, that it heavily influences the things we purchase and the trends we buy into – and is an important tool in marketing for businesses and entrepreneurs of all sizes and types.

When you’re an independent author, you are often your own business planner. Understanding how to use social media effectively to market your work – and the difference between organic and paid social media exposure – will help you make the most of this important element of the modern business.

What is Organic Social Media?

For those who have strong feelings about genuine content, it may be argued that organic social media content is “real” content. It’s everything that you post about your work, your life, or anything else you want to share with followers that reaches them by organic means.

What does that mean? It means that when you share a post, you don’t pay anything to make sure it gets seen by the people who stumble across it. They are either fans or followers of your page or happen across it naturally. While it is definitely important to have a strong connection to your organic content, it’s not enough to rely solely on organic social media for writers who are serious about selling their product and reaching more readers.

What is Paid Social Media?

Paid social media exposure is exactly what it sounds like; it is any content that you pay to reach more people in your area or who have expressed interest in similar content. People may see your post show up as an ad in their social media sidebar or may see it pop up like a regular post with a denotation marking it as promoted. Either way, your content will reach viewers who might not otherwise have ever seen it, and your reach will be magnified.

Why is it Important to Have Both Types of Social Media for Writers?

So, of the two types, which is the most important type of social media for writers? The truth is, you really need to put both types to work for you to be an effective marketer of your own work. Your organic content is what your readers are likely to be most interested in, while your promoted content is what you can “boost” to reach more viewers and ultimately net more readers. Finding the balance between the two will help you determine the right formula for social media success.

Still looking for a way to strike that balance? Contact the experts here at 4 Step Studio / Original Book Cover Designs. We can help our clients find the right combination of social media for writers to boost your visibility without sacrificing the quality of your content. Contact us today to learn more about how!

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